Okay...so I do have a profile on a couple of these free Christian Dating sites...and I have gotten some very interesting responses from these guys...
Like the one I opened tonight...said something about meeting Jay Leno and that Leno told him a joke about a guy who was stranded the ocean and prayed and asked God to save him and He sent 2 boats and a helicopter and the guy refused all 3 b/c God was going to save him...I'm sure you know the rest. (If not and you really want to know...leave a comment, and I'll finish it for you.) Anyways, so then he moves on to this story about the guy who invented the UPC Bar Codes, and how his first, middle, and last name all had 6 letters in it making his name a 666 name??? Uh okay...what?? Then he said something about sending me one of these bar codes if I was interested....
Yeah...sure...since I didn't really even read half of your message, and have no idea what a bar code has to do with getting to know anyone...so umm...I'm going to say no thanks.